Construction & Development branding, logos & book design. / July 20, 2011
In addition to our history of luxury apartment development branding, we’ve found ourselves involved in branding construction and development businesses over the last few years – always an enjoyable challenge. Clients have included those in commercial, residential, retail, education and medical construction industries.
Below is a selection of some of this work.

Construction company logo - JJ Build

Luxury Apartment Construction/Developer Logo

Book Design for construction company

Construction company book design - overprint up close

Construction company book design - double page spread

Construction company book design - safety spread

Construction company book design - centre spread

Close up showing halftone pattern and overprints in book.

Front cover - construction company promotional book

Prestige Apartment Developer Website

Apartment Development Logo

Abstract design for commercial/retail developer

Commercial/Retail Developer stationery - Business Cards

Commercial/Retail developer website design

Commercial/Retail Developer book - double page spread

Double Page Spread in book for Commercial/Retail Developer

Website Design for Commercial/Retail developer